‘KIDDO’ to compete for the ECFA Award for ‘Best European Feature Film for Children and Youth in 2023’
We are crossing our fingers once more for ‘Kiddo’: Last year, our SKOOP Family road trip drama was awarded with the ECFA Feature Award at the Castellinaria Film Festival in Bellinzona, Switzerland. Now the movie will compete for the overall ECFA Award for the ‘Best European Feature Film for Children and Youth in 2023’!
12 different films from 14 festivals were selected over the year 2023 to compete now for ECFA Feature Film 2023, which is already a great achievement. We are excited for the results! The Award Ceremony will take place during this year’s Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale), on February 17, 2024.
Best of luck from the whole SKOOP team to ‘Kiddo’ 🍀
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